***UPDATED: January 23, 2014*** Every year, U.S. News ranks the top 100 professions using several factors, including employment opportunities, salary, the balance between work and life, and job security. The careers that made the list offer just the right combination of these components to be considered a “top” profession, and this year the beloved DENTIST made #3. With the profession expecting to add 23,300 new jobs over the next 8 years there will be plenty of employment opportunities, offering great job security. Throw in an above average salary, an average stress level, and above average flexibility, and pursuing a career in dentistry seems like a pretty great idea! Dr. Seuss once said that “teeth are always in style.” Couple that fact with the important role oral health plays in overall wellness, and it’s not hard to figure out why the job of dentist is so important.
Dental phobia is a very real and traumatic condition that keeps millions from receiving crucial dental care. Experts are still not completely sure of the cause of such a condition, but they do know there are several different facets of dentistry that cause anxiety among some individuals. Panic attacks can be triggered by certain sights or sounds, such as the dental drill or other tools. Others begin feeling stress as soon as they think about going to the dentist, simply because they are afraid that there might be something wrong with their oral health. Apparently people don’t fear their actual dentist though, according to a recent Gallup Poll that found that dentists rank highly in terms of honesty and ethics. What a relief!
The recent survey, published earlier this month, asked the public to rank 22 professions on a scale that ranged from “very high” to “very low” in terms of their honesty and ethical standards. 62% of participants ranked dentists as either “very high” or “high,” as reported by the American Dental Association(ADA). Dr. Robert Faiella, president of the ADA, was quoted as being very pleased to see that the public recognized the stringent Code of Ethics that members of the organization put into practice. Nurses scored the highest of all professions, followed by pharmacists, physicians, engineers, and dentists. The lowest ranked professions were members of Congress and car salespeople (Ouch!). 1,015 adults across all 50 states participated in the poll.
Be assured that you can find the same high ethical standards and honesty at Miami Dental Sedation Spa. Both Dr. Luis Sanchez and Dr. Gabriel Vidal pride themselves on the personal relationships they build with each of their clients. The patient always comes first as together you will examine and develop a plan for achieving the best possible level of oral health and therefore, quality of life. Contact the office today and take the first step in building this extremely important relationship.